macOS 10.14.6, Xcode-11.3 (with older Xcode it used to work), p11-kit 0.23.18, 
OpenSSL-1.1.1d, current master of OpenSC and libp11.

Somehow, p11-kit proxy that selects the correct PKCS#11 library to pass the 
request to, is no longer invoked.

Any help is appreciated!

$ openssl cms -engine pkcs11 -keyform engine -aes256 -decrypt -binary -inform 
PEM -in /tmp/derive.95470.text.cms -out /tmp/derive.95470.text.dec -inkey 
engine "pkcs11" set.
GOST engine already loaded
Unable to load module /opt/local/lib/p11-kit-proxy.dylib
GOST engine already loaded
Unable to load module /opt/local/lib/p11-kit-proxy.dylib
PKCS11_get_private_key returned NULL
cannot load signing key file from engine
4458096064:error:260B606D:engine routines:dynamic_load:init 
4458096064:error:260BC066:engine routines:int_engine_configure:engine 
configuration error:crypto/engine/eng_cnf.c:141:section=gost_section, 
name=dynamic_path, value=/opt/local/lib/engines-1.1/gost.dylib
4458096064:error:0E07606D:configuration file routines:module_run:module 
initialization error:crypto/conf/conf_mod.c:177:module=engines, 
value=engine_section, retcode=-1      
4458096064:error:83065006:PKCS#11 module:pkcs11_check_token:Function 
4458096064:error:26096080:engine routines:ENGINE_load_private_key:failed 
loading private key:crypto/engine/eng_pkey.c:78:
unable to load signing key file
$ ll /opt/local/lib/p11-kit-proxy.dylib 
lrwxr-xr-x  1 root  admin  18 Dec 11 13:21 /opt/local/lib/p11-kit-proxy.dylib@ 
-> libp11-kit.0.dylib
$ ll /opt/local/lib/libp11-kit.0.dylib 
-rwxr-xr-x  1 root  admin  1442912 Dec 11 13:23 

Attachment: smime.p7s
Description: S/MIME cryptographic signature

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