On Fri, Feb 7, 2020 at 3:08 PM Michael Wojcik
<michael.woj...@microfocus.com> wrote:
> > From: Michael Leone [mailto:tur...@mike-leone.com]
> > Sent: Friday, February 07, 2020 11:55
> >
> > How is that this works for everyone else, and not me? :-)
> It doesn't.
> I just reviewed this whole note stream, and realized you're using "openssl 
> req" to create the certificate, rather than "openssl ca", according to your 
> first note.
> openssl req doesn't respect copy_extensions, because it doesn't use a 
> CA-section in the configuration file.
> To accomplish what you want, you'll have to use openssl ca. There are a 
> number of walkthroughs online for setting that up.

Yep, I've been communicating offlist with another member, and he's
finally set me straight. Now I am using "openssl ca", and it is give
me the extensions the CSR is asking for.

I've got it almost all figured out, except how to get a subjectAltName
automatically populated by the CN of the requestor. My requests aren't
asking for a SAN, but Chrome isn't happy without one, so I'd like to
at least auto-populate 1 SAN by having it be the DNS:<CN> of the
requesting CSR.

Is that doable?

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