Could this be dealt with by the simple removal of any caching layer
between an SSL_CTX and a directory processed by openssl c_rehash?
Would reading the filesystem on every certificate verification be too
heavy for your use case?

On Sun, Aug 30, 2020 at 7:20 PM Jordan Brown
<> wrote:
> Well, I can restate the problem that I encountered.
> We deliver an integrated storage system.  Under the covers it is a modified 
> Solaris running a usual collection of proprietary and open-source components. 
>  We supply an administrative user interface that, among many other things, 
> lets you manage a list of "trusted" certificates - typically CA certificates 
> that a program would use to authenticate its peers.  That is, it's the 
> equivalent of Firefox's Tools / Options / Privacy & Security / Certificates / 
> View Certificates, and the "Servers" and "Authorities" tabs there, with the 
> additional tidbit that for each certificate you can control which services 
> (e.g. LDAP, et cetera) that certificate is trusted for.
> When an administrator makes a change to the trusted-certificates list, we 
> want that change to take effect, system-wide.
> The problem is that that means that some number of processes with active 
> OpenSSL contexts need to drop those contexts and recreate them, and we don't 
> know which processes those are.  Client operations are typically driven 
> through a library, not a separate daemon, and so there's no centralized way 
> to know which processes might be TLS clients.  In addition, there's the 
> question of how to *tell* the process to recreate the context.  Simply 
> restarting them may involve disruption of various sorts.
> What we'd like would be for OpenSSL to, on every authentication, stat the 
> file or directory involved, and if it's changed then wipe the in-memory cache.
> Yes, aspects of this are system-specific, but that's true of many things.  
> There could easily be an internal API that captures a current-stage object, 
> and another that answers "is this still the same".  The default 
> implementation could always say "yes".
> --
> Jordan Brown, Oracle ZFS Storage Appliance, Oracle Solaris

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