
I am new to OpenSSL. I am working on a project using JNI+ OpenSSL on an Android 
App. My task is to create a client to access some web services. Currently, I am 
able to use the default trust store (/etc/ssl/certs) on Ubuntu18.04 to access 
the web services. But based on 
 The OpenSSL is not able to use certs in the Android trust store.

That is an old thread. Do we have a way to use the Android trust store in 2021? 
The target API level of the Android App is 28. If OpenSSL is still not able to 
use the Android default trust stores nowadays. I would like to copy the certs 
from Ubuntu to the Android app. But I need to figure out which pem file is used 
to establish connections. Is there a way any OpenSSL command line cmd is able 
to do that?




Auckland, New Zealand

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