The "unadopted" category is not the same as "unsupported".  We'll make an effort but if access to a physical machine is required, we will have to stop.  Whoever reports a problem will like have to assist with fixing it.  Be that by doing builds or writing code.

The platform policy page categories are defined but the OpenSSL project's access to hardware.  We do not have access to Solaris boxes and no community member has offered to help either with support or provision of hardware.  This is why it is in the "unadopted" category.

Oracle, as one of the FIPS project sponsors, was entitled to having platforms validated.


On 8/12/21 4:55 am, David Dillard via openssl-users wrote:


I’m hoping someone can shed some light on something that’s confusing me.  In the blog post about the FIPS submission <> it states that one of the platforms that’s being tested is “Oracle Solaris 11.4 on Oracle SPARC M8-1”.  However, on the platform policy page <> it lists a number of Solaris platforms, all of which are currently “unadopted”.  How should people interpret that?  That the initial release of OpenSSL 3.0 was supported on Solaris, but no releases after that are?  Or something else?



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