Please ignore the line below I said regards in my previous mail... it's
there by error... 


El 2022-05-12 17:38, escribió:

> Good afternoon, 
> I'm running a CA, for generating the certificates for the backup clients of 
> my network and for the backup servers too. The certificates are used for 
> encrypting the backups stored in the servers and too, for comunicating over 
> TLS between severs and clients. 
> This CA has some years now and the certificates I generate for new clients, 
> are not working (directly) in new machines. The reason for that is that new 
> operating systems, are requiring stronger signing algorithms. When you try to 
> start the service using that certificates (bacula file daemon) in a fresh new 
> Debian for instance, systemd throws the following error : 
> I know you can fix that with the following change in openssl.conf : 
> But this last way, does not convince me... so I have started debugging what 
> exactly was causing the the problem. I saw, that sha1 is not allowed as a 
> signing valid algorithm for SECLEVEL 2. So, I tried moving the CA to a more 
> recent testing machine (with a newer OpenSSL 1.1.1l-freebsd), and I modified 
> too in the openssl.conf of the CA (The openssl.conf existing in the CA dir 
> for generating certs and so...) : 
> I have attached the old version. The new using version in the testing 
> machine, is the old one plus the below changes : 
> - Added the line : "signer_digest  = sha256" 
> - Modified the line : "digests        = md5, sha1" by "digests         = 
> sha1, sha256, sha384, sha512" 
> - Added the line : "ess_cert_id_alg        = sha1" 
> Now... I have generated a new certificate by following the normal 
> procedure... generate the key and csr... later sing new cert... etc etc..... 
> This new generated certificate (signed with sha256WithRSAEncryption 
> algorithm), has worked with a newer version of the Bacula client and in a 
> almost new Debian system. So it seems, just by generating new certificates, 
> using them in that new machines, with a newer os and keeping the old ca 
> certificate, at least the service has started. We have too, another master 
> public key for encrypting content (which is an oldly generated certificate 
> signed with sha1WithRSAEncryption) that we keep in case a customer looses 
> it's keys for avoiding a possible disaster. 
> I was wondering if some sort of problem could exist, by using those old two 
> certificates (the master public key and the old ca certifcate) with the new 
> generated certificate. 
> Now, that I have that CA, for whose purpose seems to be working, I have 
> started thinking... some more... I have noticed that the CA certificate will 
> expire in 2024. I assume that what I would have to do before that CA cert 
> expires could be : 
> - Generate a second ca cert for the CA. 
> - Change the ca certificate to be used (for signing and issuing new certs) in 
> openssl.conf : 
> - Sign again all the certificates in the CA... 
> - Change, all certificates in the CA (except the own ca cert which is already 
> changed). 
> - Finally replace in each servers and clients certs. 
> Is this a correct procedure for upgrading a CA?. I assume it can be correct. 
> Isn't it?. I think this procedure shouldn't break nothing related to serials 
> of certificates and so in the own ca. Am I wrong?. 
> Best regards, 
> +are causing to set a special config in /etc/ssl/openssl.conf saying : "

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