Hello Jinze.

The issue doesn't come from OpenSSL. It comes from at least two buffer overruns.

In aesEncrypt:
> ret = EVP_EncryptInit_ex(ctx, EVP_aes_128_ecb(), NULL, (const unsigned 
> char*)key.c_str(), NULL);

You use key.c_str() to set the key. However, key here is "input":
> if (!aesEncrypt(content, "input", encrypted_content)) return -1;

key.c_str() returns a buffer of size 6: "input" plus the null-terminated byte. 
However, EVP_aes_128_ecb expects a buffer of at least 16 bytes.
Therefore, this is UB: you don't control the 10 bytes after the buffer returned 
by key.c_str().

Same with aesDecrypt:
> ret = EVP_DecryptInit_ex(ctx, EVP_aes_128_ecb(), NULL, (const unsigned 
> char*)key.c_str(), NULL); 

> if (!aesDecrypt(encrypted_content, "input", decrypted_content)) {

If you set "input" to "AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA" ("A" x 16), it works.

The main issue here is that you use the wrong container for storing your key 
materials and your buffers. You should use "std::vector<std::byte>" (or 
"std::vector<uint8_t>") with std::vector::data().


> On 12 Nov 2022, at 11:25, WuJinze via openssl-users 
> <openssl-users@openssl.org> wrote:
> sorry for my mistake. I found that the gist url can not display well in mail 
> and here is the url: 
> https://gist.github.com/GoGim1/77c9bebec1cc71cea066515b4623a051
> WuJinze
> 294843...@qq.com
> ------------------ Original ------------------
> From: "WuJinze" <294843...@qq.com>;
> Date: Sat, Nov 12, 2022 06:17 PM
> To: "openssl-users"<openssl-users@openssl.org>;Subject: OpenSSL AES 
> Decryption fails randomly C++
> Dear OpenSSL Group,
> Greetings. I was working on writing simple aes encrypt/decrypt wrapper 
> function in c++ and running into a strange problem. The minimal reproducible 
> examples in gist seems working fine but when i uncomment lines 90-92, it will 
> fail to decrypt randomly. Can someone help me to figure out what's wrong with 
> the code?
> Here is my code: OpenSSL AES Decryption fails randomly C++ (github.com). 
> OpenSSL version is OpenSSL 1.1.1f. G++ version is 9.4.0.
> Regards, 
> Jinze

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