Hi Levitte,Thanks for your answer. Just follow up question.If I use the
crypto library I can provide desired properties like in EVP_ASYM_CIPHER_fetch
function. However when I use the ssl library, how to make sure it calls the
mentioned EVP_ASYM_CIPHER_fetch function with properties required by
me?RegardsTomTemat: Own HW Supported RSA providerData: 2024-07-18 15:25Nadawca:
"tomasz bartczak" <tbar...@poczta.fm>Adresat: openssl-users@openssl.org;
> Hi,
> I want to implement my own provider that enables RSA encryption using
a HW chip. OpenSSL already comes with default provider that provides RSA
implementation. Could you please explain to me how to add my own provider
and make sure it is selected over the one from default provider and still
have access to other algorithms that come with the default provider.
> Thanks
> Tom