Something has been struggling to the surface of my brain since our last talk.

It should not be inherited 'roles' but rather:

"users in this group should get role X in all projects in a domain."

It is the group to role mapping that we need to fix. Right now, we can add a group to a role in a specific project. What we need to be able to do is add a group to a role in all projects in a domain.

It is a slight change in emphasis. It is not "inherited roles" but rather "patterns of role assignments" with "all projects in this domain the first implemented pattern.

We don't want to list all role assignments globally. list Role assigments should come from the objects involved. So I think the top level listing and the filtering of effective etc is the wrong approach.

Right now, the APIs to assign a group to a role in a specific project and to assign a group to a role in a domain are specified. What we want is the rule to assign a group to a role in all projects in a domain:
So instead of PUT /domains/{domain_id}/groups/{group_id}/roles/{role_id}|

It would be something like


There should be no "effective" role assignments.
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