
[moving on the public mailing list since this bug is anyway public]

On 3 Jun 2013, at 17:25, Dolph Mathews <dolph.math...@gmail.com> wrote:

> Apologies for the delayed response on this. We have several related open bugs 
> and I wanted to investigate them all at once, and perhaps fix them all in one 
> pass.
> Disabling a tenant/project should result in existing tokens scoped to that 
> tenant/project being immediately invalidated, so I think Chmouel's analysis 
> is absolutely valid.
> Regarding "list_users_in_project" -- as Guang suggested, the semantics of 
> that call are inherently complicated,

looking into this it seems that we have already such function :


Should it get fixed?

> so ideally we can just ask the token driver to revoke tokens with some 
> context (a user OR a tenant OR a user+tenant combination). We've been going 
> down that direction, but have been incredibly inconsistent in how it's 
> utilized. I'd like to have a framework to consistently apply the consequences 
> of disabling/deleting any entity in the system.

agreed, I think this should be doable if we can modify :


changing the default user_id to None

as for the getting the tokens for a specify project/tenant if we are not using 
a list_users_in_project would that mean we need to parse all the tokens to get 
the metadatas/extras tenant_id or there is some more efficient ways?


> -Dolph
> On Wed, May 29, 2013 at 9:59 AM, Yee, Guang <guang....@hp.com> wrote:
> Users does not really belong to a project. They have access to, or associated 
> with, a project via role grant(s). Therefore, when disabling a project, we 
> should only invalidate the tokens scoped to that project. But yes, you should 
> be able to use the same code to invalidate the tokens when disabling a 
> project.
> https://github.com/openstack/keystone/blob/master/keystone/common/controller.py#L164
> We have to be careful with list_users_in_project as user can associate with 
> project with either direct role grant, or indirectly via group membership and 
> group grant.  This is going to get complicated with the addition of inherited 
> role grants.
> Guang
> From: Chmouel Boudjnah [mailto:chmo...@enovance.com] 
> Sent: Wednesday, May 29, 2013 2:23 AM
> To: Adam Young; Dolph Mathews; Henry Nash; Joseph Heck; Yee, Guang; 
> d...@enovance.com
> Subject: disabling a tenant still allow user token
> Hi,
> Apologies for the direct email but I will be happy to move this on 
> openstack-dev@ before to make sure it's not security involved.
> I'd like to bring you this bug :
> https://bugs.launchpad.net/keystone/+bug/1179955
> to your attention.
> Basically for the TL;DR when disabling a tenant don't disable the tokens of 
> the user attached to it. 
> We could probably do that :
> https://github.com/openstack/keystone/blob/master/keystone/common/controller.py#L164
> when updating a tenant. but I need to find a way to list users attached to a 
> tenant (without having to list all the users).
> not being able to list_users_in_project() is it something intended by 
> keystone?
> Do you see a workaround for how to delete tokens of all users belonging to a 
> tenants?
> Let me know what do you think.
> Cheers,
> Chmouel.

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