Hi lists,

We're trying to evaluate the node failure performance in Swift.
According the docs Swift should be able to mute the failed nodes:
'if a storage node does not respond in a reasonable about of time, the proxy 
considers it to be unavailable and will not attempt to communicate with it for 
a while.'

We did a simple test on a 5 nodes cluster:

1.       Using COSBench to keep downloading files from the clusters.

2.       Stop the networking on SN1, there are lots of 'connection timeout 
0.5s' error occurs in Proxy's log

3.       Keep workload running and wait for about 1hour

4.       The same error still occurs in Proxy, which means the node is not 
muted, but we expect the SN1 is muted in proxy side and there is no 'connection 
 timeout ' error in Proxy

So is there any special works needs to be done to use this feature?

Regards, -yuanz

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