On 16/07/2013, at 1:10 AM, Adam Young <ayo...@redhat.com> wrote:
> On 07/15/2013 04:06 AM, Kieran Spear wrote:
>> Hi all,
>> I want to backport the fix for the "Token List in Memcache can consume
>> an entire memcache page" bug[1] to Grizzly, but I had a couple of
>> questions:
>> 1. Why do we need to store the entire token data in the
>> usertoken-<userid> key? This data always seems to be hashed before
>> indexing into the 'token-<tokenid>' keys anyway. The size of the
>> memcache data for a user's token list currently grows by 4k every time
>> a new PKI token is created. It doesn't take long to hit 1MB at this
>> rate even with the above fix.
> Yep. The reason, though, is that we either take a memory/storage hit (store 
> the whole token) or a performance hit (reproduce the token data) and we've 
> gone for the storage hit.

In this case it looks like we're taking a hit from both, since the PKI token 
"id" from the user token index is retrieved, then hashed and then that key is 
used to retrieve the token from the "tokens-%s" page anyway.

>> 2. Every time it creates a new token, Keystone loads each token from
>> the user's token list with a separate memcache call so it can throw it
>> away if it's expired. This seems excessive. Is it anything to worry
>> about? If it just checked the first two tokens you'd get the same
>> effect on a longer time scale.
>> I guess part of the answer is to decrease our token expiry time, which
>> should mitigate both issues. Failing that we'd consider moving to the
>> SQL backend.
> HOw about doing both?  But if you move to the sql backend, rememeber to 
> periodically clean up the token table, or you will have storage issues there 
> as well.  No silver bullet, I am afraid.

I think we're going to stick with memcache for now (the devil we know :)). With 
(1) and (2) fixed and the token expiration time tweaked I think memcache will 
do okay.


>> Cheers,
>> Kieran
>> [1] https://bugs.launchpad.net/keystone/+bug/1171985
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