> Hi,
> Now, I am developing auto ha operation for vm high availability.
> This function is all progress automatically.
> It needs other service like ceilometer.
> ceilometer monitors compute nodes.
> When ceilometer detects broken compute node, it send a api call to Nova, 
> nova exposes for auto ha API.
> When received auto ha call, nova progress auto ha operation.
> All auto ha enabled VM where are running on broken host are all migrated to 
> auto ha Host which is extra compute node for using only Auto-HA function.
> Below is my blueprint and wiki page.
> Wiki page is not yet completed. Now I am adding lots of information for this 
> function.
> Thanks
> https://blueprints.launchpad.net/nova/+spec/vm-auto-ha-when-host-broken
> https://wiki.openstack.org/wiki/Autoha
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