On 08/13/2013 04:35 PM, Andrew Melton wrote:
>> I'm just concerned with the type of notification you'd send. It has to
>> be enough fine grained so we don't lose too much information.
> It's a tough situation, sending out an image.exists for each image with
> the same payload as say image.upload would likely create TONS of traffic.
> Personally, I'm thinking about a batch payload, with a bare minimum of the
> following values:
> 'payload': [{'id': 'uuid1', 'owner': 'tenant1', 'created_at':
> 'some_date', 'size': 100000000},
>                {'id': 'uuid2', 'owner': 'tenant2', 'created_at':
> 'some_date', 'deleted_at': 'some_other_date', 'size': 200000000}]
> That way the audit job/task could be configured to emit in batches which
> a deployer could tweak the settings so as to not emit too many messages.
> I definitely welcome other ideas as well.

Would it be better to group by tenant vs. image?

One .exists per tenant that contains all the images owned by that tenant?


> Thanks,
> Andrew Melton
> On Tue, Aug 13, 2013 at 4:27 AM, Julien Danjou <jul...@danjou.info
> <mailto:jul...@danjou.info>> wrote:
>     On Mon, Aug 12 2013, Andrew Melton wrote:
>     > So, my question to the Ceilometer community is this, does this
>     sound like
>     > something Ceilometer would find value in and use? If so, would this be
>     > something
>     > we would want most deployers turning on?
>     Yes. I think we would definitely be happy to have the ability to drop
>     our pollster at some time.
>     I'm just concerned with the type of notification you'd send. It has to
>     be enough fine grained so we don't lose too much information.
>     --
>     Julien Danjou
>     // Free Software hacker / freelance consultant
>     // http://julien.danjou.info
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