On 21/08/13 16:07, Doug Hellmann wrote:
> IIUC, git sub-modules point to a specific revision of the external 
> repository, 
> right? So would projects still have to explicitly update to newer versions of 
> the incubator code by changing that sub-module reference?

Normally - Yes.

With Gerrit - Maybe.

Gerrit supports auto-updating submodule pointers in other gerrit hosted
repos. But.. There are gottchas.

The big one being, I don't think it's something that can be gated on..

Even if Gerrit was to make it *really easy* and testable .. I'd vote
against any attempt to bring submodules into our repositories.

I can use them, and have used them successfully with teams in the past.
But it wasn't worth it. Training every new person in, and dealing with
the inevitable mistakes was just too much effort. With a team the size
of OpenStack's, this will be totally unmanageable IMO.


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