Thanks, this does help clear up my understanding of how this fits in.

Sent from my really tiny device...

On Aug 22, 2013, at 3:25 PM, "Flavio Percoco" <> wrote:

> On 22/08/13 16:29 +0000, Kurt Griffiths wrote:
>>> What was wrong with qpid, rabbitmq, activemq, zeromq, ${your favorite
>>> queue here} that required marconi?
>> That's a good question. The features supported by AMQP brokers, ZMQ, and 
>> Marconi certainly do overlap in some areas. At the same time, however, each 
>> of these options offer distinct features that may or may not align with what 
>> a web developer is trying to accomplish.
>> Here are a few of Marconi's unique features, relative to the other options 
>> you mentioned:
>> *  Multi-tenant
>> *  Keystone integration
>> *  100% Python
>> *  First-class, stateless, firewall-friendly HTTP(S) transport driver
>> *  Simple protocol, easy for clients to implement
>> *  Scales to an unlimited number of queues and clients
>> *  Per-queue stats, useful for monitoring and autoscale
>> *  Tag-based message filtering (planned)
>> Relative to SQS, Marconi:
>> *  Is open-source and community-driven
>> *  Supports private and hybrid deployments
>> *  Offers hybrid pub-sub and producer-consumer semantics
>> *  Provides a clean, modern HTTP API
>> *  Can route messages to multiple queues (planned)
>> *  Can perform custom message transformations (planned)
> I'd also add that Marconi is being developed as a cloud service and
> not just as a cloud software. That means, it aims to give users an
> easy way to setup a queue service and offer that to users - internal,
> external, hybrid - without struggling with common issues like
> auth,scaling, firewals, APIs and libraries. This fits perfectly with
> OpenStack mission.
> I'd also like everyone to think about upcoming features as well and
> what's in the roadmap. Marconi will also provide different transports
> - next in the queue is ZMQ - and it will also sit on top of some
> existing MB - we've plan to use rabbit, proton and other
> technologies as storage backend. 
> Also, Marconi will not provide just queues but also notifications.
> Hope this helps clarifying the purpose of this project.
> Cheers,
> FF
> -- 
> @flaper87
> Flavio Percoco

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