so we're in the process of selling Ceilometer to product teams so that 
they'll adopt it and we'll get more funding :).  one item that comes up 
from product teams is 'what will Ceilometer be able to do and where does 
the product takeover and add value?'

the first question is, Ceilometer currently does metering/alarming/maybe a 
few other things... will it go beyond that? specifically: capacity 
planning, optimization, dashboard(i assume this falls under 
horizon/ceilometer plugin work), analytics. 
they're pretty broad items so i would think they would probably end up 
being separate projects?

another question is what metrics will we capture.  some of the product 
teams we have collect metrics on datacenter memory/cpu utilization, 
cluster cpu/memory/vm, and a bunch of other clustered stuff.
i'm a nova-idiot, but is this info possible to retrieve? is the consensus 
that Ceilometer will collect anything and everything the other projects 
allow for?

gordon chung

openstack, ibm software standards
email: chungg [at]
phone: 905.413.5072
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