We have fully implemented support for transparently encrypting Cinder 
from within Nova (see  https://review.openstack.org/#/c/30976/), but the lack 
of a secure key manager within OpenStack currently precludes us from 
integrating our work with that piece of the overall architecture. Instead, a 
key manager interface (see  https://review.openstack.org/#/c/30973/) abstracts 
this interaction. We would appreciate the consideration of the Nova core team 
regarding merging our existing work because 1) there is nothing immediately 
available with which to integrate; 2) services such as 
Barbican<https://launchpad.net/cloudkeep/+announcements> are on the path to 
incubation and alternative key management schemes (e.g., KMIP Client for volume 
encryption key 
 have also been proposed; 3) we avoid the hassle of rebasing until the 
aforementioned services become available; and 4) our code does not directly 
depend upon a particular key manager but upon the aforementioned interface, 
which should be simple for key managers to implement. Furthermore, the current 
dearth of key management within OpenStack does not preclude the use of our 
existing work within a production environment; although the security is 
diminished, our implementation provides protection against certain attacks like 
intercepting the iSCSI communication between the compute and storage host.

Feedback regarding the possibility of merging our work would be appreciated.

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