Gary Kotton <> wrote on 09/12/2013 05:40:59 AM:

> From: Gary Kotton <>
> To: OpenStack Development Mailing List 
> Date: 09/12/2013 05:46 AM
> Subject: Re: [openstack-dev] [heat] Comments/questions on the 
> instance-group-api-extension blueprint
> Hi,
> For some reason I am unable to access your proceed talk. I am not 
> 100% sure but I think that the voting may be closed. We have weekly 
> scheduling meetings (
> Meetings#Scheduler_Sub-group_meeting). It would be nice if you could
> attend and it will give you a platform to raise and share ideas with
> the rest of the guys in the community.
> At the moment the scheduling subgroup is working  on our ideas for 
> the design summit sessions. Please see https://
> Thanks
> Gary

Worse yet, I know of no way to navigate to a list of design summit 
proposals.  What am I missing?

The scheduler group meeting conflicts with another meeting that I already 
have and will be difficult to move.  I will see what I can do 

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