
we have been researching on logstash+ es + kivana for openstack log,
thinking how ceilometer can be intergrated with those.

Great to here this!

Although I have to think this integration more from now, for log
aggregator, using logstash might be good idea here.

I will keep following up on this. :)

Jaesuk Ahn, Ph.D.
Team Lead, Cloud Platform Dev.

2013. 9. 14. 오전 2:38에 "Nachi Ueno" <na...@ntti3.com>님이 작성:

> Hi Folks
> Thank you for your feedback!
> I'll continue this one
> (1) adding new storage driver
> (2) adding extension for elastic search query in ceilometer.
>  (i'm still not sure how ceilometer supports extension framework yet)
> > Monsyne
> Thank you for your information. I'll take a look that project.
> Best
> Nachi
> 2013/9/13 Monsyne Dragon <mdra...@rackspace.com>:
> > Nice! Have you chatted with these folks: http://projectmeniscus.org/ ?
> > (Openstack-related logging-as-a-service project)
> > They list interoperation with Ceilometer as a project goal.
> >
> > On 9/12/13 7:06 PM, "Nachi Ueno" <na...@ntti3.com> wrote:
> >
> >>Hi Folks
> >>
> >>Is anyone interested in Kibana + ElasticSearch Integration with
> >>ceilometer?
> >># Note: This discussion is not for Havana.
> >>
> >>I have registered BP. (for IceHouse)
> >>https://blueprints.launchpad.net/ceilometer/+spec/elasticsearch-driver
> >>
> >>This is demo video.
> >>http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8SmA0W0hd4I&feature=youtu.be
> >>
> >>I wrote some sample storage driver for elastic search in ceilometer.
> >>This is WIP -> https://review.openstack.org/#/c/46383/
> >>
> >>This integration sounds cool for me, because if we can integrate then,
> >>we can use it as Log as a service.
> >>
> >>IMO, there are some discussion points.
> >>
> >>[1] We should add elastic search query api for ceilometer? or we
> >>should let user kick ElasticSearch api directory?
> >>
> >>Note that ElasticSearch has no tenant based authentication, in that
> >>case we need to integrate Keystone and ElasticSearch. (or Horizon)
> >>
> >>[2] Log (syslog or any application log) should be stored in
> >>Ceilometer? (or it should be new OpenStack project? )
> >>
> >>Best
> >>Nachi
> >>
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