Mike Spreitzer <mspre...@us.ibm.com> wrote on 29/09/2013 08:02:00 PM:

> Another reason to prefer host is that we have other resources to 
> locate besides compute. 

Good point. Another approach (not necessarily contradicting) could be to 
specify the location as a property of host aggregate rather than 
individual hosts (and introduce similar notion in Cinder, and maybe 
Neutron). This could be an evolution/generalization of the existing 
'availability zone' attribute, which would specify a more fine-grained 
location path (e.g., 'az_A:rack_R1:chassis_C2:node_N3'). We briefly 
discussed this approach at the previous summit (see 'simple 
implementation' under 
https://etherpad.openstack.org/HavanaTopologyAwarePlacement) -- but 
unfortunately I don't think we made much progress with the actual 
implementation in Havana (would be good to fix this in Icehouse).

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