If you have someone to talk to re: licenses and just need someone to do the
legwork, I would be happy to do that.
On Oct 2, 2013 11:36 AM, "Anne Gentle" <a...@openstack.org> wrote:

> Hi all,
> I'm excited to be going to the Grace Hopper Conference tomorrow, where
> I'll be with over 4500 other women in computing. I've never seen anything
> like it and I can't wait. Iccha Sethi and I are running an OpenStack
> workshop for Open Source day Saturday in Minneapolis. Wish us luck! I've
> spun up 20 Rackspace Cloud Servers and I've got some DevStack .ova files as
> backup. See all the plans in store at
> https://etherpad.openstack.org/ghc-os.
> On to docland!
> 1. In review and merged this past week:
> Over 85 patches merged in the last week and a half so I won't go through
> them all. Some highlights include:
> - Update auto-documented configuration items (1500 options in all of
> OpenStack, documented).
> - Removing the API Programming Guide for inaccuracies, working on a
> blueprint for an all-in-one API Guide. [1]
> - Document cinder quotas
> - Merged Neutron docs with other all-OpenStack docs
> 2. High priority doc work:
> The install guide is the highest priority right now. Shaun is working on
> drafts in his Github repo at [2] and will patch to openstack-manuals this
> week, today (hump day!) or tomorrow.
> 3. Doc work going on that I know of:
> Diane and I tested HTML and PDF output for all the books, using the 1.10.0
> plugin, and made some patches when we found fixes were needed in the XML
> source.
> Otherwise we should all focus on doc bugs:
> https://bugs.launchpad.net/openstack-manuals/+milestone/havana -- 92
> confirmed, 129 released
> and
> https://bugs.launchpad.net/openstack-api-site/+milestone/havana -- 48
> confirmed, 20 fix released
> 4. New incoming doc requests:
> Release the havana docs October 17th!
> 5. Doc tools updates:
> The bug reporting link is available in 1.11.0 and we will finalize on that
> in all the pom.xml files for the havana release. See the release notes for
> the highlights. [3]
> We had a request this week to build HTML and PDF to docs-draft, I'd love
> to see someone pick up the work started at
> https://review.openstack.org/#/c/22768/ and make it happen.
> 6. Other doc news:
> David Cramer and I are scheduling a meeting with OxygenXML to discuss the
> donated licenses they give us. The last batch of six month licenses expires
> this month so this is a high priority. We found at the boot camp that while
> many people don't need Oxygen, it's nice to have the editor for certain
> types of authoring such as WADL creation and maintenance.
> We had a discussion about licensing for the documentation on the
> openstack-docs mailing list that might interest someone. I'd like a
> volunteer to work with a legal rep to find out advice for moving forward on
> licensing, please let me know if you're interested.
> If you're looking for a Gerrit search that lets you see all the reviews
> going in all the doc repos, paste this into the search box on
> review.openstack.org:
> status:open (project:openstack/openstack-manuals OR
> project:openstack/api-site OR project:openstack/object-api OR
> project:openstack/image-api OR project:openstack/identity-api OR
> project:openstack/compute-api OR project:openstack/volume-api OR
> project:openstack/netconn-api OR project:openstack/operations-guide)
> Hat tip to Sean Dague for writing this up in his blog. [4]
> 1.
> https://blueprints.launchpad.net/openstack-manuals/+spec/blueprint-os-api-docs
> 2.
> https://github.com/shaunix/openstack-manuals/tree/master/doc/install-guide
> 3.
> https://github.com/rackerlabs/clouddocs-maven-plugin/blob/master/README.rst
> 4.
> http://dague.net/2013/09/27/gerrit-queries-to-avoid-openstack-review-overload/
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