These are some good q's.
responses inline

On Wed, Oct 2, 2013 at 1:20 AM, McReynolds, Auston <>wrote:

> I have a few questions left unanswered by the blueprint/wiki:
> #1 - Should the true default configuration-group for a service-type be
>         customizable by the cloud provider?
The true default configuration group should be customized by a provider.
This can be done via the jinja templates that are currently used.

> #2 - Should a user be able to enumerate the entire actualized/realized
>         set of values for a configuration-group, or just the overrides?
The user should be able to see what configurations they have overridden
from the defaults. The user should be able to see the defaults by querying
the db.

> #3 - Should a user be able to apply a different configuration-group on
>         a master, than say, a slave?
Yes they should be able to apply any configuration they want to each
instance they own.

> #4 - If a user creates a new configuration-group with values equal to
>         that of the default configuration-group, what is the expected
>         behavior?
The user should be capable of creating a configuration-group with any
values they would like that are in bounds to the variable to be set.

> #5 - For GET /configuration/parameters, where is the list of supported
>         parameters and their metadata sourced from?
There is a config file that has all the options available to the user. This
is sources and displayed via the GET call.
example of the file:

> #6 - Should a user be able to reset a configuration-group to the
>         current default configuration-group?
A user should be able to reset the configuration-group to the "default" in
the template and they can do this by unassigning the configuration to the
There is a test case for this.

> #7 - Is a new configuration-group a clone of the then current default
>         configuration-group with various changes, or will inheritence be
>         utilized?
A new configuration-group will be setting the override changes to the
default my.cnf template.
We include the overrides.cnf directory location in the my.cnf
!includedir /etc/mysql/conf.d/
The overrides.cnf will be written with the changes to the configuration
group and apply them dynamically if they can be, otherwise a restart will
be required of the instance.

> #8 - How should the state of pending configuration-group changes be
>         reflected in GET /instances/:id ? How will this state be
>         persisted?
All dynamic changes will be applied at the time they are either 1) applied
to the configuration group that is tied to an instance or 2) when a
configuration group is applied to an instance. If there are changes that
cannot be dynamically set then we will change the state of the instance to
RESTART_REQUIRED to apply the changes.

> #9 - Reminder: Once multiple service-types and versions are supported,
>         the configuration-group will need a service-type field.
Yes i agree with this and need a way of splitting the validation rules and
making sure that we dont allow applying a configuration-group to different
service types.

> #10 - Should dynamic values (via functions and operators) in
>           configuration-groups be supported?
>           Example: innodb_buffer_pool_size = 150 * flavor['ram']/512
I've thought about this but I do not this we should try to shoot for this
right now.
I have some ideas similar to what you are describing but not sure i want to
tackle this in the first iteration.

> My Thoughts:
> #1 - Yes
> #2 - Actualized
> #3 - Yes
> #4 - Depends on whether the approach for configuration-groups is to
>         clone or to inherit.
> #5 - ?
> #6 - Yes
> #7 - ?
> #8 - ?
> #9 - N/A
> #10 - In the first iteration of this feature I don't think it's an
>           absolute necessity, but it's definitely a nice-to-have. The
>           design/implementation should not preclude this from being easily
>           added in the future.
> Where "?" == "I'd like to think about it a bit more, but I have a gut
> feeling"
> Thoughts?
> On 10/1/13 7:55 PM, "Michael Basnight" <> wrote:
> >On Oct 1, 2013, at 7:19 PM, Vipul Sabhaya wrote:
> >>
> >> So from this API, I see that a configuration is a standalone resource
> >>that could be applied to N number of instances.  It's not clear to me
> >>what the API is for 'applying' a configuration to an existing instance.
> >
> >
> >8PUT.29
> >
> >> Also if we change a single item in a given configuration, does that
> >>change propagate to all instances that configuration belongs to?
> >
> >Thats a good question. Maybe PATCH'ing a configuration is not a good
> >thing. We either have 1) drift between an attached config on an instance
> >vs the template, or 2) a confusing situation where we are potentially
> >updating configurations on running instances. Another possibility is that
> >a PATCH would in effect, clone the existing template, if its in use,
> >giving it a new UUID with the updated parameters. But im not sure i like
> >that approach eitherÅ  Its really not a PATCH at that point anyway id
> >think.
> >
> >Blueprint designers, im looking to you for clarity.
> >
> >> What about making 'configuration' a sub-resource of /instances?
> >>
> >> Unless we think configurations will be common amongst instances for a
> >>given tenant, it may not make sense to make them high level resources.
> >
> >As in /instances/configurations, or /instances/{id}/configurations ? I do
> >see commonality between a configuration and a bunch of instances, such
> >that a configuration is not unique to a single instance. I can see a
> >reseller having a tweaked out "works with _insert your favorite CMS
> >here_" template applied to all the instances they provision.
> >
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