
On 10/07/2013 04:30 AM, Flavio Percoco wrote:
I would like to propose my candidacy for the OpenStack Technical

== What I've done ==

I've been involved with OpenStack for almost a year now and although
it may not seem a very long time, I've been able to contribute to
most of OpenStack areas.

My contributions to OpenStack started with Glance where I dedicated a
lot of time and efforts trying to make it better and to align it with
other OpenStack models. This led me to contribute to Oslo, and then
become a core contributor of it. Contributing to Oslo has given me a
wider view about what other projects needs are - w.r.t common code,
libs and ways to do things - and this also helped me to understand how
projects integrate with each other and gave me a more pragmatic idea
of how things work and how they could be improved.

While all this was happening, I was also contributing to one of the
recently incubated projects, Marconi. Working on Marconi gave me a
complete view of what new projects path is, what they need to
accomplish before reaching incubation, what may make sense or not to
have as an incubated project and which are the community and
development standards that all projects should respect throughout
OpenStack. I served as co-PTL of Marconi before it got incubated and,
FWIW, I still do, although it's not an official role in OpenStack.

In addition to the above, I'm also part of stable-maint team and I
obviously work full-time on OpenStack.

== Plans as TC member ==

My main goal as a TC member is to provide an objective, openstack-wise
opinion thanks to the wide view of it I've gained during my last year
of contributions and the teams I'm member of.

With that in mind, I'd like to help new projects to fit into OpenStack
and provide some guidance and support to existing projects either to
help then get out of incubation or stay on track with what OpenStack

As a TC member, I'll always put OpenStack's interests on top of
anything else and use that to help other projects to grow.

As part of helping OpenStack overall, I will emphasize the need
of stability and make sure we do our best to preserve it and perhaps
improve the process.

Thanks for reading this email. I'd be very honored to serve as a TC
member and help this project grow with the same dedication and passion
I've had in the time I've contributed to it.


Flavio Percoco

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