On Thu, Oct 10, 2013 at 6:57 PM, Matt Riedemann <mrie...@us.ibm.com> wrote:

> Getting integration testing hooked up for the hyper-v driver with tempest
> should go a long way here which is a good reason to have it.  As has been
> mentioned, there is a core team of people that understand the internals of
> the hyper-v driver and the subtleties of when it won't work, and only those
> with a vested interest in using it will really care about it.
> My team has the same issue with the powervm driver.  We don't have
> community integration testing hooked up yet.  We run tempest against it
> internally so we know what works and what doesn't, but besides standard
> code review practices that apply throughout everything (strong unit test
> coverage, consistency with other projects, hacking rules, etc), any other
> reviewer has to generally take it on faith that what's in there works as
> it's supposed to.  Sure, there is documentation available on what the
> native commands do and anyone can dig into those to figure it out, but I
> wouldn't expect that low-level of review from anyone that doesn't regularly
> work on the powervm driver.  I think the same is true for anything here.
>  So the equalizer is a rigorously tested and broad set of integration
> tests, which is where we all need to get to with tempest and continuous
> integration.

Well said, I couldn't agree more!

> We've had the same issues as mentioned in the original note about things
> slipping out of releases or taking a long time to get reviewed, and we've
> had to fork code internally because of it which we then have to continue to
> try and get merged upstream - and it's painful, but it is what it is,
> that's the nature of the business.
> Personally my experience has been that the more I give the more I get.
>  The more I'm involved in what others are doing and the more I review
> other's code, the more I can build a relationship which is mutually
> beneficial.  Sometimes I can only say 'hey, you need unit tests for this or
> this doesn't seem right but I'm not sure', but unless you completely
> automate code coverage metrics and build that back into reviews, e.g. does
> your 1000 line blueprint have 95% code coverage in the tests, you still
> need human reviewers on everything, regardless of context.  Even then it's
> not going to be enough, there will always be a need for people with a
> broader vision of the project as a whole that can point out where things
> are going in the wrong direction even if it fixes a bug.
> The point is I see both sides of the argument, I'm sure many people do.
>  In a large complicated project like this it's inevitable.  But I think the
> quality and adoption of OpenStack speaks for itself and I believe a key
> component of that is the review system and that's only as good as the
> people which are going to uphold the standards across the project.  I've
> been on enough development projects that give plenty of lip service to code
> quality and review standards which are always the first thing to go when a
> deadline looms, and those projects are always ultimately failures.
> Thanks,
> Advisory Software Engineer
> Cloud Solutions and OpenStack Development
> ------------------------------
>  *Phone:* 1-507-253-7622 | *Mobile:* 1-507-990-1889*
> E-mail:* *mrie...@us.ibm.com* <mrie...@us.ibm.com>
> [image: IBM]
> 3605 Hwy 52 N
> Rochester, MN 55901-1407
> United States
> From:        Tim Smith <tsm...@gridcentric.com>
> To:        OpenStack Development Mailing List <
> openstack-dev@lists.openstack.org>,
> Date:        10/10/2013 07:48 PM
> Subject:        Re: [openstack-dev] [Hyper-V] Havana status
> ------------------------------
> On Thu, Oct 10, 2013 at 1:50 PM, Russell Bryant 
> <*rbry...@redhat.com*<rbry...@redhat.com>>
> wrote:
> Please understand that I only want to help here.  Perhaps a good way for
> you to get more review attention is get more karma in the dev community
> by helping review other patches.  It looks like you don't really review
> anything outside of your own stuff, or patches that touch hyper-v.  In
> the absence of significant interest in hyper-v from others, the only way
> to get more attention is by increasing your karma.
> NB: I don't have any vested interest in this discussion except that I want
> to make sure OpenStack stays "Open", i.e. inclusive. I believe the concept
> of "reviewer karma", while seemingly sensible, is actually subtly counter
> to the goals of openness, innovation, and vendor neutrality, and would also
> lead to overall lower commit quality.
> Brian Kernighan famously wrote: "Debugging is twice as hard as writing the
> code in the first place." A corollary is that constructing a mental model
> of code is hard; perhaps harder than writing the code in the first place.
> It follows that reviewing code is not an easy task, especially if one has
> not been intimately involved in the original development of the code under
> review. In fact, if a reviewer is not intimately familiar with the code
> under review, and therefore only able to perform the functions of human
> compiler and style-checker (functions which can be and typically are
> performed by automatic tools), the rigor of their review is at best
> less-than-ideal, and at worst purely symbolic.
> It is logical, then, that a reviewer should review changes to code that
> he/she is familiar with. Attempts to gamify the implicit review
> prioritization system through a "karma" scheme are sadly doomed to fail, as
> contributors hoping to get their patches reviewed will have no option but
> to "build karma" reviewing patches in code they are unfamiliar with,
> leading to a higher number of low quality reviews.
> So, if a cross-functional "karma" system won't accomplish the desired
> result (high-quality reviews of commits across all functional units), what
> will it accomplish (besides overall lower commit quality)?
> Because the "karma" system inherently favors entrenched (read: heavily
> deployed) code, it forms a slippery slope leading to a mediocre
> "one-size-fits-all" stack, where contributors of new technologies,
> approaches, and hardware/software drivers will see their contributions die
> on the vine due to lack of core reviewer attention. If the driver team for
> a widely deployed hypervisor (outside of the OpenStack space - they can't
> really be expected to have wide OpenStack deployment without a mature
> driver) is having difficulty with reviews due to an implicit "karma"
> deficit, imagine the challenges that will be faced by the future
> SDN/SDS/SDx innovators of the world hoping to find a platform for their
> innovation in OpenStack.
> Again, I don't have any vested interest in this discussion, except that I
> believe the concept of "reviewer karma" to be counter to both software
> quality and openness. In this particular case it would seem that the
> simplest solution to this problem would be to give one of the hyper-v team
> members core reviewer status, but perhaps there are consequences to that
> that elude me.
> Regards,
> Tim
> *
> **
> https://review.openstack.org/#/q/reviewer:3185+project:openstack/nova,n,z*<https://review.openstack.org/#/q/reviewer:3185+project:openstack/nova,n,z>
> --
> Russell Bryant
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