On 2013-10-14 04:29, Lingxian Kong wrote: 

> Hi there: 
> When I perform some operations on servers with administrator role, using CLI, 
> I met tha same strage behavior as described: 
> https://bugs.launchpad.net/python-novaclient/+bug/1050901 [1]. I'm afraid the 
> Glance has the same issue. 
> What I want to figure out is, what is the expected behavior when taking some 
> actions on a server of other tenants using server name that is global unique 
> with admin role?
> I apologize if this question was already covered and I missed it, but it 
> really bother me for a while.

This sounds related to a discussion we had a few months ago:

I don't know that any changes ever came out of that though. :-/ 


[1] https://bugs.launchpad.net/python-novaclient/+bug/1050901
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