> -----Original Message-----
> From: Sandy Walsh [mailto:sandy.wa...@rackspace.com]
> Sent: Thursday, October 10, 2013 6:20 PM
> To: openstack-dev@lists.openstack.org
> Subject: Re: [openstack-dev] [Ceilometer] Notifications from non-local
> exchanges
> On 10/10/2013 06:16 PM, Neal, Phil wrote:
>> Greetings all, I'm looking at how to expand the ability of our CM
>> instance to consume notifications and have a quick question about
>> the configuration and flow...
>> For the notifications central agent ,  we rely on the services (i.e.
>> glance, cinder)  to drop messages on the same messaging host as used
>> by Ceilometer. From there the listener picks it up and cycles through
>> the plugin logic to convert it to a sample. It's apparent that we
>> can't pass an alternate hostname via the control_exchange values, so
>> is there another method for harvesting messages off of other
>> instances (e.g. another compute node)?
> Hey Phil,
> You don't really need to specify the exchange name to consume
> notifications. It will default to the control-exchange if not specified
> anyway.
> How it works isn't so obvious.
> Depending on the priority of then notification the oslo notifier will
> publish on <topic>.<priority> using the service's control-exchange. If
> that queue doesn't exist it'll create it and bind the control-exchange
> to it. This is so we can publish even if there are no consumers yet.

I think the common default is notifications.info, yes?

> Oslo.rpc creates a 1:1 mapping of routing_key and queue to topic (no
> wildcards). So we get
> <exchange:<service>> -> binding: routing_key "<topic>.<priority>" ->
> queue "<topic>.<priority>"
> (essentially, 1 queue per priority)
> Which is why, if you want to enable services to generate notifications,
> you just have to set the driver and the topic(s) to publish on. Exchange
> is implied and routing key/queue are inferred from topic.

Yep, following up to this point: Oslo takes care of the setup of exchanges on 
behalf of the 
services. When, say, Glance wants to push notifications onto the message bus, 
they can set 
the control_exchange value and the driver ("rabbit", for example) and voila! An 
exchange is
set up with a default queue bound to the key. 
> Likewise we only have to specify the queue name to consume, since we
> only need an exchange to publish.

Here's where my gap is: the notification plugins seem to assume that Ceilometer 
is sitting on the same messaging node/endpoint as the service. The config file 
us to specify the exchange names for the services , but not endpoints, so if 
is publishing to "notifications.info" on "rabbit.glance.hpcloud.net", and 
 is  publishing/consuming from the "rabbit.ceil.hpcloud.net" node then the 
 notifications won't be collected.

 I took another look at the Ceilometer config options..."rabbit_hosts"
takes multiple hosts (i.e. rabbit.glance.hpcloud.net:0000, 
but it's not clear whether that's for publishing, collection, or both?  The 
module does cycle through that list to create the connection pool, but it's not
clear to me how it all comes together in the plugin instantiation...

> I have a bare-bones oslo notifier consumer and client here if you want
> to mess around with it (and a bare-bones kombu version in the parent).

Will take a look! 

> https://github.com/SandyWalsh/amqp_sandbox/tree/master/oslo
> Not sure if that answered your question or made it worse? :)
> Cheers
> -S
>> - Phil
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