On Oct 16, 2013, at 05:48 , Dan Smith 
<d...@danplanet.com<mailto:d...@danplanet.com>> wrote:

The last thing that OpenStack needs ANY more help with is velocity. I
mean, let's be serious - we land WAY more patches in a day than is
even close to sane.

Thanks for saying this -- it doesn't get said enough. I find it totally
amazing that we're merging 34 changes in a day (yesterday) which is like
170 per work week (just on nova). More amazing is that we're talking
about how to make it faster all the time. It's definitely the fastest
moving extremely complex thing I can recall working on.

Dan, nobody puts into discussion how good the work that you guys are doing is. 
You guys are doing an amazing job, that's unquestionable.

The problem is that the review team, in the way in which it is structured 
today, simply does not scale with the review load (which is quite funny in a 
project which is all about scalability :-)).

Here's a quick analysys over the 90 days Nova review stats published by 
Russell: http://russellbryant.net/openstack-stats/nova-reviewers-90.txt

Roughly 2/3 of the reviews are done by 20 people, with the top 10 getting close 
to 50%.
Let's say that we provide out of our sub-team 1 additional Nova core dev that 
will perform in the top 10, which averages 521 reviewes, 4,6% of the total.
This would reduce our stale review queue time by 5%, which is quite far from a 
practical improvement over the current mess IMO.

The picture changes if you put this additional resource to do reviews mostly on 
our sub-project code, but at that point I don't see the difference from having 
somebody with +2 rights on the driver sub-tree only.

This example applies to any sub-project of course, not only the Hyper-V driver.

(I hope that the table formatting will come out decently in the ML email, if 
not please find the data here: http://paste.openstack.org/show/48539/)

Reviewer        Core    Reviews % over total    Partials
russellb        yes     888     7,84%
garyk           856     7,55%
jogo    yes     475     4,19%
mikalstill      yes     450     3,97%
danms   yes     447     3,94%   23,55%  TOP 5
ndipanov        yes     432     3,81%
klmitch yes     429     3,79%
cbehrens        yes     360     3,18%
johngarbutt     yes     351     3,10%
cyeoh-0 yes     327     2,89%   44,25%  TOP 10
markmc  yes     304     2,68%
alaski  yes     289     2,55%
mriedem         270     2,38%
cerberus        yes     266     2,35%
dripton         261     2,30%
berrange        yes     251     2,21%
jhesketh                250     2,21%
philip-day              250     2,21%
xuhj            237     2,09%
belliott        yes     212     1,87%   67,10%  TOP 20
guohliu         201     1,77%
boris-42                170     1,50%
sdague  yes     164     1,45%
p-draigbrady    yes     130     1,15%
vishvananda     yes     123     1,09%
tracyajones             112     0,99%
JayLau          109     0,96%
hartsocks               108     0,95%
arosen          106     0,94%
dims-v          101     0,89%   78,79%  TOP 30

We MUST continue to be vigilent in getting people to care about more
than their specific part, or else this big complex mess is going to come
crashing down around us.

I totally agree.


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