Hi Lakshmi,

you mentioned an example in your original post, but I did not find it. Can
you add the example?

Lakshminaraya Renganarayana <lren...@us.ibm.com> wrote on 18.10.2013
> From: Lakshminaraya Renganarayana <lren...@us.ibm.com>
> To: OpenStack Development Mailing List
> Date: 18.10.2013 21:01
> Subject: Re: [openstack-dev] [Heat] A prototype for cross-vm
> synchronization and communication
> Just wanted to add a couple of clarifications:
> 1. the cross-vm dependences are captured via the read/writes of
> attributes in resources and in software components (described in
> metadata sections).
> 2. these dependences are then realized via blocking-reads and writes
> to zookeeper, which realizes the cross-vm synchronization and
> communication of values between the resources.
> Thanks,
> LN
> Lakshminaraya Renganarayana/Watson/IBM@IBMUS wrote on 10/18/2013 02:45:01
> > From: Lakshminaraya Renganarayana/Watson/IBM@IBMUS
> > To: OpenStack Development Mailing List
> > Date: 10/18/2013 02:48 PM
> > Subject: [openstack-dev] [Heat] A prototype for cross-vm
> > synchronization and communication
> >
> > Hi,
> >
> > In the last Openstack Heat meeting there was good interest in
> > proposals for cross-vm synchronization and communication and I had
> > mentioned the prototype I have built. I had also promised that I
> > will post an outline of the prototype ... Here it is. I might have
> > missed some details, please feel free to ask / comment and I would
> > be happy to explain more.
> > ---
> > Goal of the prototype: Enable cross-vm synchronization and
> > communication using high-level declarative description (no wait-
> > conditions) Use chef as the CM tool.
> >
> > Design rationale / choices of the prototype (note that these were
> > made just for the prototype and I am not proposing them to be the
> > choices for Heat/HOT):
> >
> > D1: No new construct in Heat template
> > => use metadata sections
> > D2: No extensions to core Heat engine
> > => use a pre-processor that will produce a Heat template that the
> > standard Heat engine can consume
> > D3: Do not require chef recipes to be modified
> > => use a convention of accessing inputs/outputs from chef node[][]
> > => use ruby meta-programming to intercept reads/writes to node[][]
> > forward values
> > D4: Use a standard distributed coordinator (don't reinvent)
> > => use zookeeper as a coordinator and as a global data space for
> communciation
> >
> > Overall, the flow is the following:
> > 1. User specifies a Heat template with details about software config
> > and dependences in the metadata section of resources (see step S1
> > 2. A pre-processor consumes this augmented heat template and
> > produces another heat template with user-data sections with cloud-
> > init scripts and also sets up a zookeeper instance with enough
> > information to coordinate between the resources at runtime to
> > realize the dependences and synchronization (see step S2)
> > 3. The generated heat template is fed into standard heat engine to
> > deploy. After the VMs are created the cloud-init script kicks in.
> > The cloud init script installs chef solo and then starts the
> > execution of the roles specified in the metadata section. During
> > this execution of the recipes the coordination is realized (see
> > steps S2 and S3 below).
> >
> > Implementation scheme:
> > S1. Use metadata section of each resource to describe  (see
> attached example)
> > - a list of roles
> > - inputs to and outputs from each role and their mapping to resource
> > attrs (any attr)
> > - convention: these inputs/outputs will be through chef node attrs node
> >
> > S2. Dependence analysis and cloud init script generation
> >
> > Dependence analysis:
> > - resolve every reference that can be statically resolved using
> > Heat's fucntions (this step just uses Heat's current dependence
> > analysis -- Thanks to Zane Bitter for helping me understand this)
> > - flag all unresolved references as values resolved at run-time at
> > communicated via the coordinator
> >
> > Use cloud-init in user-data sections:
> > - automatically generate a script that would bootstrap chef and will
> > run the roles/recipes in the order specified in the metadata section
> > - generate dependence info for zookeeper to coordinate at runtime
> >
> > S3. Coordinate synchronization and communication at run-time
> > - intercept reads and writes to node[][]
> > - if it is a remote read, get it from Zookeeper
> > - execution will block till the value is available
> > - if write is for a value required by a remote resource, write the
> > value to Zookeeper
> >
> > The prototype is implemented in Python and Ruby is used for chef
> > interception.
> >
> > There are alternatives for many of the choices I have made for
> > - zookeeper can be replaced with any other service that provides a
> > data space and distributed coordination
> > - chef can be replaced by any other CM tool (a little bit of design
> > / convention needed for other CM tools because of the interception
> > used in the prototype to catch reads/writes to node[][])
> > - the whole dependence analysis can be integrated into the Heat's
> > dependence analyzer
> > - the component construct proposed recently (by Steve Baker) for
> > HOT/Heat can be used to specify much of what is specified using the
> > metadata sections in this prototype.
> >
> > I am interested in using my experience with this prototype to
> > contribute to HOT/Heat's cross-vm synchronization and communication
> > design and code.  I look forward to your comments.
> >
> > Thanks,
> > LN_______________________________________________
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