Generally loadbalancer will have the following options

enable - configurationally enable
disable - configurationally disable

up - status alive
down - status down

If we have the above it will be meaningful to get actual status of the


On Tue, Oct 29, 2013 at 4:33 PM, Itsuro ODA <> wrote:

> Hi,
> I think "INACTIVE" is right for resources with admin_statu_up False.
> BTW, there are following requirements:
> * Change to ACTIVE from PENDING_CREATE/UPDATE when the serives
>   is available actually. (ie. after lbaas_agent done the job.)
> * Reflect a member is alive or not to the 'status' attribute of
>   member resource. (ie. if a member is not alive, the status is
>   "DOWN".)
> Note that we are planning to implement above requiremants to LVS
> driver.
> Thanks,
> Itsuro Oda
> On Tue, 29 Oct 2013 13:19:16 +0400
> Eugene Nikanorov <> wrote:
> > Hi folks,
> >
> > Currently there are two attributes of vips/pools/members that represent a
> > status: 'status' and 'admin_state_up'.
> >
> > The first one is used to represent deployment status and can be
> > We also have admin_state_up which could be True or False.
> >
> > I'd like to know your opinion on how to change 'status' attribute based
> on
> > admin_state_up changes.
> > For instance. If admin_state_up is updated to be False, how do you think
> > 'status' should change?
> >
> > Also, speaking of reference implementation (HAProxy), changing vip or
> pool
> > admin_state_up to False effectively destroys the balancer (undeploys it),
> > while the objects remain in ACTIVE state.
> > There are two options to fix this discrepancy:
> > 1) Change status of vip/pool to PENDING_CREATE if admin_state_up changes
> to
> > False
> > 2) Don't destroy the loadbalancer and use HAProxy capability to disable
> > frontend and backend while leave vip/pool in ACTIVE state
> >
> > Please share your opinion.
> >
> > Thanks,
> > Eugene.
> --
> Itsuro ODA <>
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