On 30/10/13 20:35, Lakshminaraya Renganarayana wrote:
 >I'd like to see some more detail about how
 > inputs/outputs would be exposed in the configuration management systems
 > - or, more specifically, how the user can extend this to arbitrary
 > configuration management systems.

The way inputs/outputs are exposed in a CM system
would depend on its conventions. In our use with Chef, we expose these
inputs and outputs as a Chef's node attributes, i.e., via the node[][]
hash. I could imagine a similar scheme for Puppet. For a shell type of
CM provider the inputs/outputs can be exposed as Shell environment
variables. To avoid name conflicts, these inputs/outputs can be prefixed
by a namespace, say Heat.

Right, so who writes the code that exposes the inputs/outputs to the CM system in that way? If it is the user, where does that code go and how does it work? And if it's not the user, how would the user accommodate a CM system that has not been envisioned by their provider? That's what I'm trying to get at with this question.


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