
Another very important Mistral use case is published on the project wiki: 

For convenience, below is the description of it. Please let us know your 
thoughts on additional things that should be taken into account. We invite 
everyone to the discussion.

Cloud Environment Deployment
Problem Statement

Cloud environment deployment procedure typically involves many steps that 
include infrastructure provision (instances, networks etc) and software 
installation and configuration. Those actions often depend on each other and 
thus need to be performed in some specific order. Also this process often 
involves more than one tool. This is a perfect fit for Mistral 
tasks-dependencies model.
There are several approaches how cloud environment deployment can be addressed 
in OpenStack with Heat as a software orchestration tool.

Solution A. External approach

With this approach each task in tasks graph corresponds to some deployment 
action. Those may be infrastructure related tasks (like create instance) and 
software related task (like execute shell script on VM via SSH). Because we 
have Heat in OpenStack all infrastructure tasks can be done via addition 
(merging) of additional parts to Heat HOT templates. This can be achieved by 
built-in Mistral’s data flow capabilities. Besides HOT template building there 
must be also explicit task to create/update Heat stack with built template. 
Software configuration actions can be performed by execution of shell scripts, 
puppet manifests etc. on VM. Mistral’s data flow can help with passing data 
between software configuration tasks.
Because Mistral is going to be integrated with Software Configuration 
Management (SCM) tools and because it can natively access various OpenStack 
REST APIs all of the tasks mentioned above can be performed by Mistral alone 
without a need for additional software to handle callback actions. The graph 
itself can be created either manually by a user of auto-generated using some 
third party tool. This can be useful for cloud deployment/management tools like 
PaaSes, software catalogs and other similar tools that wish to take advantage 
of Heat and SCM tools integration.

Solution B. Internal approach

Heat itself can use Mistral for processing HOT templates. With this approach 
components and resources directly map to Mistral tasks and Fn::GetAtt/hosten_on 
map to task dependencies. Handling of resource/component deployment remains in 
Heat but the order and context passing between those activities are delegated 
to Mistral. SCM integration may be done using Heat components but users also 
have ability to hook custom workflows to Heat-generated task graph. Using 
Mistral for task-dependency tracking and context passing as well as task 
distribution may be a basis for Heat engine HA and further scalability. This 
also opens new possibilities for integration of Heat and 3rd party tools.

It is also possible to have both approaches simultaneously or some mix of them 
working together.


Renat Akhmerov
@ Mirantis Inc.
OpenStack-dev mailing list

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