On 10/29/2013 06:29 AM, Thierry Carrez wrote:
Dina Belova wrote:
There is no such mixed calendar. It was made, as far as I remember,
because design and summit talks are very different and should be separated.

But still, it is not really comfortable.
Yes, it's a bit of a trade-off...

In the past we had a lot of people, attracted by catchy session titles,
wandering in the design summit area and be really surprised by the
absence of presentations and the chaotic nature of the discussions
there. For this time around we decided that further separating the two
events (while keeping compatible time slots) was less confusing, and
keeping two separate schedules was the simplest way of making that happen.

I agree it's inconvenient for people who want to juggle between the two
parts of the event. The best solution for those is probably to look at
both schedules and use the iCal/ics exports to build your personal calendar:


Hope this helps,

I would think that this is a common enough occurance for the sched.org people that they would have a "nested conference" mechanism. However, I think that this might have a secondary effect of messing up people that really do want to participate in the design sessions, but are only aware of the main summit schedule. While it is true that we don't want the design sessions to be flooded, we do want participation, and balancing the two is going to allways err one way or the other.

Security is particularly impacted by this, however, as developers really should be at the security sessions, but they are not part of the developers schedule.

At a minimum, we should probably have a recurring theme among the early day presenters "if you are interested in the design sessions, remember that they are on a separate schedule" or some such.

Dealing with this really feels like dealing with design issues in Keystone. What user should see which project...

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