On 31 October 2013 19:05, Russell Bryant <rbry...@redhat.com> wrote:

> Right, Nova (and probably other projects, too) only supports N to N+1
> upgrades.  If you need to go to N+2, you'll need to go through N+1 to
> get there.

Dead right, and especially with the aggressive schedule we have this is the
only sane approach for now.

FWIW, improving upgrades is very high on the priority list across all of
> OpenStack.  We have sessions all over the place to talk about it.  It's
> getting a lot better.

Yes it is, and while the upgrades haven't been perfect so far the increased
focus on getting the grenade testing in place are sure to make a big
difference. I just feel that it's important to highlight the gap to bring
it into the same discussion and hopefully raise some awareness for those
who are in a prime position to make the difference.
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