On Thu, 2013-10-31 at 11:49 -0700, Stefano Maffulli wrote:

> Another idea that Tom suggested is to use gerrit automation to send back
> to first time committers something in addition to the normal 'your patch
> is waiting for review' message. The message could be something like:
> > thank you for your first contribution to OpenStack. Your patch will
> > now be tested automatically by OpenStack testing frameworks and once
> > the automatic tests pass, it will be reviewed by other friendly
> > developers. They will give you comments and may require you to refine
> > it.
> > 
> > Nobody gets his patch approved at first try so don't be concerned
> > when someone will require you to do more iterations.
> > 
> > Patches usually take 3 to 7 days to be approved so be patient and be
> > available on IRC to ask and answer questions about your work. The
> > more you participate in the community the more rewarding it is for
> > you. You may also notice that the more you get to know people and get
> > to be known, the faster your patches will be reviewed and eventually
> > approved. Get to know others and be known by doing code reviews:
> > anybody can and should do it.

Very nicely done. I really like it.


> PS I put the text on
> https://etherpad.openstack.org/p/welcome-new-committers for refinements.

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