On 11/01/2013 12:33 PM, Clayton Coleman wrote:
----- Original Message -----

Once all the gitreview stuff is cleaned up I was going to do some purely
mechanical additions.

I heard a few +1 for sqlalchemy with the standard OpenStack abstraction:

   manager abstraction for db calls
   sqlalchemy implementation

I was also going to throw in migrate as a dependency and put in the glue code
for that based on common use from ironic/trove/heat.  That'll pull in a few
openstack common and config settings.  Finally, was going to add a
solum-dbsync command a la the aforementioned projects.  No schema will be


I was blindly assuming we want to pull in eventlet support, with the implicit 
understanding that we will be doing some form of timeslicing and async io bound 
waiting in the API... but would like to hear others weigh in before I add the 
monkey_patch and stub code around script startup.

I'm not so sure that bringing in eventlet should be done by default. It adds complexity and if most/all of the API calls will be doing some call to a native C library like libmysql that blocks, I'm not sure there is going to be much benefit to using eventlet versus multiplexing the servers using full OS processes -- either manually like some of the projects do with the workers=N configuration and forking, or using more traditional multiplexing solutions like running many mod_wsgi or uwsgi workers inside Apache or nginx.


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