On Thu, Nov 7, 2013 at 7:36 AM, Robert Collins <robe...@robertcollins.net>wrote:

> I've been thinking about review queues recently (since here at the
> summit everyone is talking about reviews! :)).
> One thing that struck me today was that Gerrit makes it easier to
> review the newest changes first, rather than the changes that have
> been in the queue longest, or the changes that started going through
> the review process first.
> So... is it possible to change the default sort order for Gerrit? How
> hard is it to do - could we do an experiment on that and see if it
> nudges the dial for reviewstats (just make the change, not ask anyone
> to change their behaviour)?
> As for what sort order to choose, I'd be happy just getting data on a
> different default sort order - it seems like the easiest thing would
> be to reverse the current order, vs doing something more
> sophisticated.
++, This sounds like an interesting idea. and we could try it out for a few
weeks to see what happen.

> If folk are about to jump up and say 'hey, reviewday' or 'hey
> next-review' : I specifically want to see what the effect on changing
> the Gerrit web UI is, because my sense is that that is the default
> place folk do reviews, and I want to change the default-experience
> folk have, not the optional experience folk can opt into.
> -Rob
> --
> Robert Collins <rbtcoll...@hp.com>
> Distinguished Technologist
> HP Converged Cloud
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