On 14/11/13 10:13 +0100, Thierry Carrez wrote:
Kurt Griffiths wrote:
Also does it place a requirement that all projects wanting to request
incubation to be placed in stackforge ? That sounds like a harsh
requirement if we were to reject them.

I think that anything that encourages projects to get used to the
OpenStack development process sooner, rather than later, is a good thing.

Fully agree with that... I was just taking the point of view of a
project currently developed outside of stackforge using a weird VCS --
we'd basically force them to switch to stackforge and git before we'd
even consider their application. If we ended up rejecting them, they
might feel this was a lot of wasted effort. I don't object raising the
pre-incubation requirements, just want to make sure everyone will be
aware of the consequences :)

That said, most (all?) openstack-wanabee projects now go the stackforge
route, so I'm not sure that would create extra pain for anyone.

And I don't think there's anything wrong with this. TBH, I thought
being in stackforge was already a requirement. If it is not, I think
it should be.

Moving projects under stackforge before going under openstack will
help us to test them in part of the infrastructure, it'll give the
team enough information about OpenStack's infrastructure, Gerrit's
workflow, gates and more. Also, this will give more information to the
TC wrt the team / project integration with OpenStack.


Flavio Percoco

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