Ilya, Igor

I’ve created separate etherpad for UnifiedAgents approach:
I described here initial Savanna's requirements from GuestAgent solution which 
were discussed in the design summit.
Trove and Murano team are welcome to describe their needs in guest agents in 
this document.

Alexander Ignatov

On 12 Nov 2013, at 19:24, Ilya Sviridov <> wrote:

> Igor, better to create another one to track the requirements for such agent 
> framework as far as this etherpad is 
> official result of design session.
> With best regards,
> Ilya Sviridov
> On Tue, Nov 12, 2013 at 5:02 PM, Igor Marnat <> wrote:
> Ilya,
> that's cool! Mind if Murano and Savanna teams join the same etherpad?
> Regards,
> Igor Marnat
> On Tue, Nov 12, 2013 at 6:58 PM, Ilya Sviridov <> wrote:
> Thinking in that direction, the Trove team had a design session about current 
> status of agent in project.
> Just take a look
> With best regards,
> Ilya Sviridov
> On Tue, Nov 12, 2013 at 4:29 PM, Igor Marnat <> wrote:
> Just to summarize, there was an interest expressed from Murano, Trove, 
> Savanna and Heat teams in regards with implementation of this unified agent. 
> Nothing specific was decided expect suggestion to keep pushing.
> I'd suggest to keep pushing this way:
> - create an etherpad
> - each team interested in having unified agent writes there detailed use 
> cases for an agent to this etherpad
> - based on these use-cases we can generate very specific and detailed 
> requirements to the agent
> - based on these requirements we can agree on architecture and approach to 
> implementation. 
> Teams?
> Regards,
> Igor Marnat
> On Tue, Nov 5, 2013 at 6:10 AM, Alexander Tivelkov <> 
> wrote:
> Hi guys,
> Recently we had several discussions about the guest VM agents: lot's of 
> projects have the similar needs to run some special logic on the side of 
> guest virtual machines. As far as I know, there are such agents in Savanna, 
> Trove, Murano and may be some other projects as well. 
> The obvious idea is to unite the efforts and have the unified solution which 
> may satisfy everybody's needs. 
> We've discussed this topic before with some of the teams, and got the 
> promising-looking idea to create kind of "unified agent library" and put it 
> in Oslo or some other shared project.
> We've scheduled an unconference session on the Summit, this Friday at 3:10 
> pm. Let's continue discussing the idea there: we may gather the common 
> requirements, discuss the basic design concepts etc.  
> See you there!
> --
> Kind Regards,
> Alexander Tivelkov
> Principal Software Engineer
> OpenStack Platform Product division
> Mirantis, Inc
> +7(495) 640 4904, ext 0236
> +7-926-267-37-97(cell)
> Vorontsovskaya street 35 B, building 3,
> Moscow, Russia.
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