Regarding my previous email:

> Steve Baker <> wrote on 11/19/2013 03:40:54 PM:
> ...
> > How to define and deliver this agent is the challenge. Some options 
> > 1) install it as part of the image customization/bootstrapping (golden
> > images or cloud-init) 
> > 2) define a (mustache?) template in the SoftwareConfig which
> > os-collect-config transforms into the agent script, which
> > os-collect-config then executes 
> I do not follow what you mean here.  Can you please elaborate a little? 
> > 3) a CM tool specific implementation of SoftwareApplier builds and
> > delivers a complete agent to os-collect-config which executes it
> Could instead the agent be a package that the applier templates asks
> to be installed? 

We may not need to active agent to be CM tool specific.  I think the 
remarks about os-collect-config show this.  Maybe all we need is a CM tool 
specific package to be installed to supply the (I use the singular because 
of our earlier conversation that affirmed the expectation of only one CM 
tool per VM) hook that os-collect-config calls.
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