> On Feb 3, 2017, at 2:16 PM, Thierry Carrez <thie...@openstack.org> wrote:
> Shamail wrote:
>> Hi Thierry,
>>> On Jan 31, 2017, at 7:10 AM, Thierry Carrez <thie...@openstack.org> wrote:
>>> Shamail wrote:
>>>>> Sorry for not noticing this thread and replying earlier.
>>>>> I've now reviewed the minutes from the meeting, and I support thingee's 
>>>>> suggestion of having a UX working group. This way, UX can get the 
>>>>> attention it rightly deserves. Without the research and guidelines 
>>>>> provided by the UX team, user-facing projects (such as Docs) will be 
>>>>> poorer. I believe that it's in Foundations best interests to ensure that 
>>>>> UX work is ongoing, and adequately supported, in the same way as 
>>>>> Marketing and other user outreach services. 
>>>> +1
>>>>> I am happy to work with Foundation (on behalf of the Docs team) to 
>>>>> determine how this would work in practice.
>>>> I'm happy to help as well.  The Product working group recently started 
>>>> using Personas in our user stories and I also participated in the Personas 
>>>> workshop with the UX team.
>>> This working group will need a driver/leader/steward to set up at least
>>> the first meetings and see who would be ready to do what in UX land.
>>> Any volunteer ?
>> I'll be glad to schedule the initial discussions/meetings to determine our 
>> refined scope and to identify participants.  I think the team will have a 
>> quorum to continue the persona and research work but we will need to find if 
>> there are people in the community with actual UX design experience that are 
>> willing to also participate.  Does the TC envision this as a UC or TC 
>> governed WG?  I'll submit the patches according to your response.
> We don't really have a process to vet for workgroups on the TC side
> (they just form organically). It feels like a group that could straddle
> both sides. If you think it would help the group to be formally
> recognized as a UC workgroup, please go ahead and create it.
Thanks Thierry.  I'll send a doodle poll next week to determine a new meeting 
time and who's interested in participating.
> -- 
> Thierry Carrez (ttx)
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