
We've ballparked that we need to store a million events per day. To that end, 
we're flip-flopping between sql and no-sql solutions, hybrid solutions that 
include elastic search and other schemes. Seems every road we go down has some 
limitations. So, we've started working on test suite for load testing the 
ceilometer storage drivers. The intent is to have a common place to record our 
findings and compare with the efforts of others.

There's an etherpad where we're tracking our results [1] and a test suite that 
we're building out [2]. The test suite works against a fork of ceilometer where 
we can keep our experimental storage driver tweaks [3].

The test suite hits the storage drivers directly, bypassing the api, but still 
uses the ceilometer models. We've added support for dumping the results to 
statsd/graphite for charting of performance results in real-time.

If you're interested in large scale deployments of ceilometer, we would welcome 
any assistance.


[1] https://etherpad.openstack.org/p/ceilometer-data-store-scale-testing
[2] https://github.com/rackerlabs/ceilometer-load-tests
[3] https://github.com/rackerlabs/instrumented-ceilometer

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