It appears that you don't have caching enabled, then. Without enabling
caching, Fernet performance is well known to be terrible, which would
explain your benchmark results. If you run a similar benchmark with
caching, I'd be eager to see the new configuration and benchmark results.

On Fri, Feb 17, 2017 at 8:16 AM 王玺源 <> wrote:

> Hi Dolph:
> We made the keystone.conf same with the example.
> [token]
> provider = fernet
> [fernet_tokens]   //all configuration is default
> #
> # From keystone
> #
> # Directory containing Fernet token keys. (string value)
> #key_repository = /etc/keystone/fernet-keys/
> # This controls how many keys are held in rotation by keystone-manage
> # fernet_rotate before they are discarded. The default value of 3 means
> that
> # keystone will maintain one staged key, one primary key, and one secondary
> # key. Increasing this value means that additional secondary keys will be
> kept
> # in the rotation. (integer value)
> # max_active_keys = 3
> Dolph Mathews <>于2017年2月17日 周五上午7:22写道:
> Thank you for the data and your test scripts! As Lance and Stanek already
> alluded, Fernet performance is very sensitive to keystone's configuration.
> Can your share your keystone.conf as well?
> I'll also be in Atlanta and would love to talk Fernet performance, even if
> we don't have a formal time slot on the schedule.
> On Wed, Feb 15, 2017 at 9:08 AM Lance Bragstad <>
> wrote:
> In addition to what David said, have you played around with caching in
> keystone [0]? After the initial implementation of fernet landed, we
> attempted to make it the default token provider. We ended up reverting the
> default back to uuid because we hit several issues. Around the Liberty and
> Mitaka timeframe, we reworked the caching implementation to fix those
> issues and improve overall performance of all token formats, especially
> fernet.
> We have a few different performance perspectives available, too. Some were
> run nearly 2 years ago [1] and some are run today [2]. Since the Newton
> release, we've made drastic improvements to the overall structure of the
> token provider [3] [4] [5]. At the very least, it should make understanding
> keystone's approach to tokens easier. Maintaining out-of-tree token
> providers should also be easier since we cleaned up a lot of the interfaces
> that affect developers maintaining their own providers.
> We can try and set something up at the PTG. We are getting pretty tight
> for time slots, but I'm sure we can find some time to work through the
> issues you're seeing (also, feel free to hop into #openstack-keystone on
> freenode if you want to visit prior to the PTG).
> [0]
> [1]
> [2]
> [3]
> [4]
> [5]
> On Wed, Feb 15, 2017 at 8:44 AM, David Stanek <> wrote:
> On 15-Feb 18:16, 王玺源 wrote:
> > Hello everyone,
> >   PKI/PKIZ token has been removed from keystone in Ocata. But recently
> our
> > production team did some test about PKI and Fernet token (With Keystone
> > Mitaka). They found that in large-scale production environment, Fernet
> > token's performance is not as good as PKI. Here is the test data:
> >
> >
> This is nice to see. Thanks.
> >
> > From the data, we can see that:
> > 1. In large-scale concurrency test, PKI is much faster than Fernet.
> > 2. PKI token revoke can't immediately make the token invalid. So it has
> the
> > revoke issue.
> >
> > But in our production team's opinion, the revoke issue is a small
> problem,
> > and can be avoided by some periphery ways. (More detail solution could be
> > explained by them in the follow email).
> > They think that the performance issue is the most important thing. Maybe
> > you can see that in some production environment, performance is the first
> > thing to be considered.
> I'd like to hear solutions to this if you have already come up with
> them. This issue, however, isn't the only one that led us to remove PKI
> tokens.
> >
> > So here I'd like to ask you, especially the keystone experts:
> > 1. Is there any chance to bring PKI/PKIZ back to Keystone?
> I would guess that, at least in the immediate future, we would not want
> to put it back into keystone until someone can fix the issues. Also
> ideally running the token provider in production.
> > 2. Has Fernet token improved the performance during these releases? Or
> any
> > road map so that we can make sure Fernet is better than PKI in all side.
> > Otherwise, I don't think that remove PKI in Ocata is the right way. Or
> > even, we can keep the PKI token in Keystone for more one or two cycles,
> > then remove it once Fernet is stable enough.
> > 3. Since I'll be in Atalanta next week, if it is possible, I'd like to
> > bring this topic to Keystone PTG. can I?
> Sure. We have a pretty packed calendar, but I'm sure you could steal a
> few minutes somewhere.
> >
> > It is a real production problem and I really need your feedback.
> >
> Have you tried playing with the crypt_strength[1]? If the slowness is
> the crypto (which it was in the past) then you can tune it a little bit.
> Another option might be to keep the same token flow and find a faster
> method for hashing a token.
> 1.
> --
> david stanek
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