Thankyou for the info, I downgraded sqlalchemy accordingly, but there
were lot of other dependencies I had to take care (as below). The
error which still continues to persist in my environment is :
RuntimeError: Unable to load quantum from configuration file

are there any other dependencies to be taken care to resolve this error?

pip uninstall sqlalchemy (uninstalled -0.8.3)
pip install sqlalchemy==0.7.9

pip install jsonrpclib

pip uninstall eventlet  (uninstalled -0.12.0)
pip install eventlet   (installed -0.14.0)

pip install pyudev

for the error Requirement.parse('amqp>=1.0.10,<1.1.0'))
pip uninstall amqp
pip install amqp  -- but its installing 1.3.3
so, download the source code of 1.0.10
python setup.py build
python setup.py install

Gopi Krishna

Yongsheng Gong gongysh at unitedstack.com

VersionConflict: (SQLAlchemy 0.8.3

it seems your SQLAlchemy is newer than required. so

pip uninstall sqlalchemy
and then install older one:
sudo pip install sqlalchemy==0.7.9

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