On 2017-03-07 09:54:25 +0100 (+0100), j.kl...@cloudbau.de wrote:
> So how should i take this? ATCs who can afford to travel to the
> PTG receive more discount/funding from the foundation than ATCs
> who can not afford to go there? I am pretty sad about the
> direction we seem to move with this and am hoping that this will
> only be true for the Boston summit.

I won't presume to speak for the event staff on this one, but my
understanding is that the summit registration discounts provided to
technical contributors in past years were intended to make it easier
for enough of them to attend the design summit (which ran coincident
with the conference). Now there is no design summit, and most of
what used to take place in that context is expected to happen at the
PTG instead. Funding was redirected toward making the PTG as
inexpensive as possible, and the original plan (up until last week)
was that no separate conference discounts were budgeted for
technical contributors who had not attended the PTG.

The goal is to have as many active technical contributors as
possible attend the PTG events, but we still need a representative
contingent of upstream developers (perhaps 50%?) in attendance for
the "Forum" (which now happens as part of the conference) so as to
be able to effectively collect and respond to feedback from
downstream consumers, end users, operators, et cetera. Because we've
only had one PTG up to this point and it's realized that a lot of
contributors may have been unable to make it to a PTG so far, budget
was found to cover half the conference registration cost for
non-PTG-attendee technical contributors in the Ocata development

So knowing what I know, I would take it as a sign that attending the
PTG is strongly encouraged for those heavily involved in upstream
development, and developers who can only afford to go to one of
either the conference or PTG should prefer the PTG. In the future I
anticipate that you'll get partial or full discounted conference
admission if you've attended one of the past two (or three or
something) PTGs, but that technical contributors who are only
interested in attending the conference and not the PTGs will
probably be expected to pay full admission prices regardless of
whether they have changes landed in an official deliverable repo (or
have admission covered in other ways such getting a conference talk
Jeremy Stanley

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