While digging through nova code today to compare versioned and unversioned notifications, and reading specs and seeing how seachlight handles nova notifications, I noticed that the unversioned notifications have a "compute." prefix in the name. The versioned notifications do not.

It also took me awhile but I also sorted out that unversioned notifications are on the 'notifications' topic which is the default in oslo.messaging ([oslo_messaging_notifications]topics) and versioned notifications are on the 'versioned_notifications' topic.

My question is, was it intentional to drop the "compute." prefix from the event type on the versioned notifications? I didn't see anything specifically stating that in the original spec [1].

Since the notifications are on independent topics it probably doesn't matter. I was just thinking about this from the searchlight perspective because they don't support nova versioned notifications yet and already have code to map the "compute." event types [2], I wasn't sure if they could re-use that and just listen on the 'versioned_notifications' topic. In talking with Steve McLellan it doesn't sound like the different event types format will be an issue.

[1] https://specs.openstack.org/openstack/nova-specs/specs/mitaka/implemented/versioned-notification-api.html [2] https://github.com/openstack/searchlight/blob/2.0.0/searchlight/elasticsearch/plugins/nova/notification_handler.py#L82



Matt Riedemann

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