On Mon, Mar 6, 2017 at 10:45 PM, Hugh Blemings <h...@blemings.org> wrote:
> Hiya,
> As has been done for the last few Summits/PTGs in Lwood[1] I've pulled
> together a list of the various posts to openstack-dev that summarise things
> at the PTG - projects, videos, anecdotes etc.
> The aggregated list is in this blog post;
> http://hugh.blemings.id.au/2017/03/07/openstack-ptg-atlanta-2017-summary-of-summaries/
> Which should aggregate across to planet.openstack.org as well.
> I'll update this as further summaries appear, corrections/contributions
> welcome.

Thanks Hugh, that's awesome!
Can you please remove the first link: TripleO:
and only keep this one:

Thanks a lot!

> Cheers,
> Hugh
> [1] http://hugh.blemings.id.au/openstack/lwood/
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