On 11/27/2013 01:50 PM, Maru Newby wrote:
> Just a heads up, the console output for neutron gate jobs is about to get a 
> lot noisier.  Any log output that contains 'ERROR' is going to be dumped into 
> the console output so that we can identify and eliminate unnecessary error 
> logging.  Once we've cleaned things up, the presence of unexpected 
> (non-whitelisted) error output can be used to fail jobs, as per the following 
> Tempest blueprint:
> https://blueprints.launchpad.net/tempest/+spec/fail-gate-on-log-errors
> I've filed a related Neutron blueprint for eliminating the unnecessary error 
> logging:
> https://blueprints.launchpad.net/neutron/+spec/log-only-exceptional-conditions-as-error
> I'm looking for volunteers to help with this effort, please reply in this 
> thread if you're willing to assist.
i want to help, i'm a newbie on openstack process, looking at
status.openstack.org i don't see any obvious place to start, could you
share a list of tests or a bug list?

> Thanks,
> Maru
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