On Tue, 2017-04-04 at 16:01 -0400, Emilien Macchi wrote:
> After our weekly meeting of today, I found useful to share and
> discuss
> our roadmap for Container CI jobs in TripleO.
> They are ordered by priority from the highest to lowest:
> 1. Swap ovb-nonha job with ovb-containers, enable introspection on
> the
> container job and shuffle other coverage (e.g ssl) to other jobs
> (HA?). It will help us to get coverage for ovb-containers scenario
> again, without consuming more rh1 resources and keep existing
> coverage.

The existing containers job already had introspection enabled I think.
So this is largely a swap (containers for nonha). We may move some of
the SSL features into the existing HA job if that makes more sense to
keep coverage on par with what the nonha job was already covering.

> 2. Get multinode coverage of deployments - this should integrate with
> the scenarios we already have defined for non-container deployment.
> This is super important to cover all overcloud services, like we did
> with classic deployments. It should be non voting to start and then
> voting once it works. We should find a way to keep the same templates
> as we have now, and just include the docker environment. In other
> words, find a way to keep using:
> https://github.com/openstack/tripleo-heat-templates/blob/master/ci/en
> vironments/scenario001-multinode.yaml
> so we don't duplicate scenario environments.
> 3. Implement container upgrade job, which for Pike will be deploy a
> baremetal overcloud, then migrate on upgrade to containers. Use
> multinode jobs for this task. Start with a non-voting job and move to
> the gate once it work. I also suggest to use scenarios framework, so
> we keep good coverage.

Using multinode here is a great start. We might also at some point
decide to swap out the existing OVB job to be a baremetal -> containers
version so we have end to end coverage there as well.

> 4. After we implement the workflow for minor updates, have a job with
> tests container-to-container updates for minor (rolling) updates,
> this
> ideally should add some coverage to ensure no downtime of APIs and
> possibly checks for service restarts (ref recent bugs about bouncing
> services on minor updates)
> 5. Once Pike is released and Queens starts, let's work on container
> to
> containers upgrade job.
> Any feedback or question is highly welcome,
> Note: The proposal comes from shardy's notes on
> https://etherpad.openstack.org/p/tripleo-container-ci - feel free to
> contribute to the etherpad or mailing list.
> Thanks,

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