Hi Zoey Lin,

thanks a lot for sharing your analysis. I agree with you, diversity and
turnover of developers could be a good predictor for risk. Anyway
there's an important point that should be considered: who's reviewing
the code? A developer that has experience in a specific module might
stop contributing to it directly but might still review the code. This
helps the newcomers learning faster and reduces the risk of introducing



On 04/06/2017 05:22 AM, 林泽燕 wrote:
> Hi Kevin,
> I believe that the code ownership can reflect the module size in some
> way. The code ownership is small, which means a lot of commits made by a
> group of contributors, and thus the module might be quite large.
> And I think the amount of bugs might be used to identify the risky files
> for developers and managers and could act as an indicator of workload
> needed to improve the quality of the file, thus our develop team can
> estimate the workload on each file and adjust the work priority.
> I wonder if I have made it clear. Thank you for your attention.
> Zoey Lin
>     -----原始邮件-----
>     *发件人:*"Kevin Benton" <ke...@benton.pub>
>     *发送时间:*2017-04-05 22:17:08 (星期三)
>     *收件人:* "OpenStack Development Mailing List (not for usage
>     questions)" <openstack-dev@lists.openstack.org>
>     *抄送:*
>     *主题:* Re: [openstack-dev] [neutron] Risk prediction model for
>     OpenStack
>     Thanks for this analysis. So one thing that jumps out at me right
>     away is the correlation of this with the module size.
>     ovs_neutron_agent.py is one of the biggest modules (if not the
>     biggest non-test module) in Neutron, so if you don't control for
>     line count in the analysis, this one would come out on top even if
>     it had the same code quality (bugs per line) as other modules. How
>     do you deal with module size?
>     Cheers,
>     Kevin Benton
>     On Tue, Apr 4, 2017 at 11:01 PM, 林泽燕 <linze...@pku.edu.cn
>     <mailto:linze...@pku.edu.cn>> wrote:
>         Dear everyone, ____
>         My name is Zoey Lin, majored in Computer Science, Peking
>         University, China. I’m a candidate of Master Degree. Recently
>         I'm making a research on OpenStack about the contribution
>         composition of a code file, to predict the potential amount of
>         defect that the file would have in the later development stage
>         of a release.____
>         I wonder if I could show you my study, including some metrics
>         for the prediction model and a visualization tool. I would
>         appreciate it if you could share your opinions or give some
>         advices, which would really, really help me a lot. Thank you so
>         much for your kindness. :)____
>         First of all, I would give a brief introduction to my study. I
>         analyzed and designed some metrics to describe the contribution
>         composition of a code file, and then use these metrics to train
>         a model to predict the amount of bug that a file would have as a
>         risk value in the later development stage of a release, using
>         the historical commit log data of the former development stage.
>         The model showed a good performance. I also developed a tool to
>         visualize the metrics and the potential risk value, which we
>         believe could help developers and project managers being aware
>         of the current situation and risk of the code file. We expect
>         that project managers could estimate the workload, adjust the
>         personnel assignment and locate the development problems based
>         on the information of the tool and finally could reduce the risk
>         and improve the quality of the project efficiently in some way.____
>         Then, I would introduce two main metrics of my model.____
>         1. code ownership of files and developers: ____
>         Code ownership shows the number of engineers contributing to a
>         source code artifact and the relative proportion of their
>         contributions. The code ownership of a file refers to the
>         proportion of ownership for the contributor with the highest
>         proportion of ownership, which could indicate that whether there
>         is one developer who “owns” the file and has a high level of
>         expertise, who can act as a single point of contact for others
>         who need to use the component, need changes to it, or just have
>         questions about it. Minor developer refers to developer whose
>         code ownership is lower than 5%. Previous literatures have
>         proven that code ownership and amount of minor developer
>         strongly correlate with code defects.____
>         2. contribution diversity of the file:____
>         We measured the uncertainty in a code file's contributions (or
>         the diversity of sources of contributions) in a given month
>         using the Teachman/Shannon entropy index, a commonly used
>         diversity measure in many scientific disciplines.____
>         H(x) = E[I(xi)] = E[ log(2,1/p(xi)) ] = -∑p(xi)log(2,p(xi))
>         (i=1,2,..n),____
>         p(xi) is the code ownership of developer xi, I(xi) means the
>         information we need to judge if a contribution belongs to
>         developer xi. H(x) ranges between 0, when all the contribution
>         of the file belong to one developer in a release, and log(2, N),
>         when N developers contribute equally (i.e., pi = 1/N) to the
>         file. The larger H(x) is, the more diverse the contribution of
>         the file is.____
>         We assume that the more diverse the contribution, the more bugs
>         the code file would have in this release. And We have proven
>         that there is a significant positive correlation between the
>         contribution diversity and the amount of defect of the file.____
>         Next, I would give some intuitive displays and analysis about
>         these metrics. We assume that it is Feb.2016 now.____
>         This is part of the Release Page. We offer some basic
>         information and the potential amount of bug we predict about the
>         active code files in this release. The pie shows us the risk
>         distribution of the potential risky files, which could help
>         managers estimating the following workload and decide which
>         files to mainly focus on.____
>         __ __
>         Then comes the File page. We take the file
>         neutron/plugins/ml2/drivers/openvswitch/agent/ovs_neutron_agent.py
>         as an example.____
>         The model predicts that the file would have 44 defects in the
>         following development stage of the release (and we check the
>         real data, there are 40 defects in fact).____
>         First, let's see how the contribution diversity and file code
>         ownership developed in the past releases in the charts below. We
>         can find that when the code ownership is small, which means
>         there is not a developer who “own” the file, and the
>         contribution diversity is large, which means the sources of the
>         code of the file are diverse and the composition of code is
>         complex, the amount of defect in that release would be large
>         (for example, Liberty). In contrast, when the code ownership
>         increase and the contribution diversity decrease (for example,
>         Kilo), the amount of defect would be smaller. It shows that the
>         amount of bug is affected by the code ownership and contribution
>         diversity in some way, which have also been proven by my study.____
>         And now, (shown in the green box above) the code ownership is
>         0.11 (quite small), and contribution diversity is 5.07 (quite
>         large), we can predict that the amount of defect would be large,
>         like Liberty.____
>         After being aware of the potential risk of the file, we try to
>         offer some information to help locate the problems.____
>         1. In this release, we had just 3 major developers and 36 minor
>         developers, and even the code ownership of major developer is
>         small (0.11), it might result in the fact that, no one can guide
>         the development of the file, and act as a point of contact for
>         others. And large amount of minor developer might increase the
>         contribution diversity. These would all result in high risk of
>         defects.____
>         __ __
>         __ __
>         2. We can see from the charts in the purple box above. In this
>         release, 24 developers left the development of this file (they
>         made contributions in last release but not this one). Developers
>         leaving a code file deprive the file of the knowledge of the
>         decisions they have made. Previous research shows that the
>         survivors and newcomers maintaining abandoned code have reduced
>         productivity and are more likely to make mistakes. And the file
>         had 26 newcomers, who might not be familiar with the design and
>         framework of the code file, the new contributions they made
>         might conflict with the others and thus might bring defects.
>         Therefore, I think we should pay attention to these
>         contributions to reduce the risk of defects.____
>         3. We can also see how the developers' contribution composition
>         develops by month. In these charts, we can specific which month
>         had unreasonable work distribution, and then check the code
>         contribution in that month. In this release, we can suppose that
>         the contribution made in Nov.2015 might bring some defects, and
>         we should pay attention to these contributions to reduce the
>         defect risk.____
>         Ok, that are some examples of the information we could get from
>         the visualization tool. And I hope to know what you think about
>         them on the following three questions, which would give me great
>         help on my research:____
>         1.     Do you think the metrics information I offered in the
>         tool are useful for developers and project managers in some way?
>         ____
>         In particular, could the code ownership be used to identify the
>         experts of the file and how would it help in practice?And do you
>         think that files with high code ownership would result in higher
>         code quality and fewer failures?____
>         Do you think the contribution diversity could act as an
>         indicator for high risk of lower code quality of the file in
>         some way and why? And what would it mean in practice when the
>         contribution diversity of a file changes a lot?____
>         Do you agree that when contributors left the project, their code
>         would be hard to be maintained by others, and contributions made
>         by newcomers would be more likely to bring bugs to the files? So
>         would it help by knowing how many people left the project and
>         how many people are newcomers to the projects and who are them?
>         If yes, how would it help in practice?____
>         2.     Do you think the analysis I made about the example
>         (paragraph in blue font) make sense? And what else information
>         you can get from the charts and how can they help? Or what else
>         information you expect to get from the visualization tool?____
>         3.     Do you think it make sense to predict the potential
>         amount of bug that need to fix in the later development stage of
>         a release by analyzing the metrics of the former development
>         stage of the release?____
>         Again, I would appreciate it a lot if you could share your
>         opinions. And thank you so much for your time.____
>         Looking forward to your reply. Wish you all have a good day.____
>         Best regards!
>         ——————————
>         Zeyan Lin
>         Department of Computer Science
>         School of Electronics Engineering & Computer Science
>         Peking University
>         Beijing 100871, China
>         E-mail:linze...@pku.edu.cn <mailto:linze...@pku.edu.cn>
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> Best regards!
> ——————————
> Zeyan Lin
> Department of Computer Science
> School of Electronics Engineering & Computer Science
> Peking University
> Beijing 100871, China
> E-mail:linze...@pku.edu.cn
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